NVDA collaborate with our partner networks to target and improve global issues through IVS.
Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service is a global network of international voluntary service NGOS cooperating with UNESCO. CCIVS was founded in 1948
International Cultural Youth Exchange is one of the biggest IVS NGOs network that is mainly for the exchange of LMTV internally. It was founded in 1949 for the exchange between U.S. and Germany.
South East European Youth Network is a network organization involving 15 member NGOs from 8 countries in an attempt of overcoming differences among societies that have recent tradition of conflicts through gathering young people from entire South East Europe region to work together on global issues. It aims to promote pro-social values, youth employability, peace and understanding through development of volunteering grassroots and exchange programmes, supporting youth initiatives, advocacy and capacity building.
Eastern African Workcamp Association
Latin American Alliance of voluntary service organizations
South African Workcamp Cooperation
Network in north Africa
West African Voluntary Association Network